- .grid_9
- %h1= @page_title = "About this website"
- %p
- This website was designed and written by
- %a{ :href => 'http://adrianshort.co.uk' } Adrian Short
- \.
- You can contact me by email at
- %a{ :href => "mailto:adrian.short@gmail.com" } adrian.short@gmail.com
- and
- %a{ :href => "http://twitter.com/adrianshort" } follow me on Twitter
- \.
- %p.highlight This site is independent of Sutton Council, all political parties and candidates.
- %p Every page on this website prints beautifully.
- %p
- The council candidates' data comes from Sutton Council who also provided information on council wards and parliamentary constituencies.
- %p
- This site is written in Ruby using the Sinatra framework.
- %p
- The code for this website is
- %a{ :href => "http://github.com/adrianshort/Sutton-Elections" } open source and managed on Github.
- It is hosted by Heroku.
- %p
- The postcode lookup is done by UK Postcodes using open data from Ordnance Survey enhanced by MySociety. I use the Ruby Pat gem to access the postcodes API.
- %p
- The page templates use Haml and SprySoft's Variable Grid System. The database is SQLite for development and PostgreSQL for production, abstracted through DataMapper.
- %p
- Source control and deployment is done with Git.
- %p The fonts are Museo Slab and Museo Sans served by Typekit.