- !!!5
- %html
- %head
- %title= @page_title ? @page_title + " - Sutton Elections" : "Sutton Elections - Your guide to voting and election results in the London Borough of Sutton"
- %link{ :rel => 'stylesheet', :type => 'text/css', :href => '/style.css' }
- %link{ :rel => 'stylesheet', :type => 'text/css', :href => '/print.css', :media => 'print' }
- %meta{ :name => 'referrer', :content => 'no-referrer' }
- %body
- #main
- - if flash[:notice]
- #notice
- %p= flash[:notice]
- - if flash[:error]
- #error
- %p= flash[:error]
- = yield
- #footer
- #footer_inner
- %h1 Sutton Elections
- %p
- %a{ :href => '/' } Home
- - Body.each do |body|
- %p
- %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{body.slug}" }
- = body.name
- elections
- %p
- %a{ :href => '/candidates' } Candidates
- -#
- %p
- %a{ :href => '/polling-stations' } Polling stations
- %p
- %a{ :href => '/how-the-parliament-election-works' } How parliamentary elections work
- %p
- %a{ :href => '/how-the-council-election-works' } How council elections work
- %p
- %p
- %a{ :href => "https://github.com/adrianshort/suttonelections" }
- An independent website by Adrian Short
- %p
- Powered by data from
- %a{ :href => "http://www.sutton.gov.uk/" }<
- Sutton Council
- ,
- %a{ :href => "http://data.london.gov.uk/"}
- London Datastore
- and
- %a{ :href => "http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-and-government/products/code-point-open.html" }<
- Ordnance Survey