Election results in the London Borough of Sutton.

37 righe
945 B

  1. #lookup
  2. %h2= @election_title
  3. %form{ :method => 'get', :action => '/' }
  4. %label{ :for => "postcode" } My postcode is
  5. %input{ :type => 'text', :name => 'postcode', :value => @default_pc, :size => 8, :maxlength => 8 }
  6. %input{ :type => 'submit', :value => "Find my results" }
  7. - if @future_elections.size > 0
  8. %h2 Upcoming elections
  9. %table
  10. - @future_elections.each do |election|
  11. %tr
  12. %td
  13. %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{election.body.slug}/elections/#{election.d}" }
  14. = short_date(election.d)
  15. %td
  16. = election.body.name
  17. %td
  18. = election.kind
  19. - if @past_elections.size > 0
  20. %h2 Past elections
  21. %table
  22. - @past_elections.each do |election|
  23. %tr
  24. %td
  25. %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{election.body.slug}/elections/#{election.d}" }
  26. = short_date(election.d)
  27. %td
  28. = election.body.name
  29. %td
  30. = election.kind