Election results in the London Borough of Sutton.
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  1. .grid_12
  2. %h1 Sutton Elections 6 May 2010
  3. %h2 UK Parliament Election Results
  4. %p
  5. %a{ :href => '/results/uk-parliament/2010-05-06/carshalton-and-wallington' } Carshalton and Wallington Constituency
  6. %p
  7. %a{ :href => '/results/uk-parliament/2010-05-06/sutton-and-cheam' } Sutton and Cheam Constituency
  8. %h2 Sutton Council Election Results Summary
  9. %table
  10. %tr
  11. %th
  12. %th
  13. %th Seats
  14. %th % Seats
  15. %th Votes
  16. %th % Votes
  17. - for result in @results
  18. %tr
  19. %td{ :style => "background-color: #{result[2]}" }  
  20. %td= result[0]
  21. -# Some pretty serious cheating going on here!
  22. %td.right
  23. - if result[0] == 'Conservative Party'
  24. 11
  25. - elsif result[0] == 'Liberal Democrats'
  26. 43
  27. - else
  28. 0
  29. %td.right
  30. - if result[0] == 'Conservative Party'
  31. 20%
  32. - elsif result[0] == 'Liberal Democrats'
  33. 80%
  34. - else
  35. 0%
  36. %td.right= result[1]
  37. %td.right= sprintf("%0.1f%%", result[1].to_f / @total_votes * 100)
  38. %tr.noborder
  39. %td
  40. %td
  41. %td.right 54
  42. %td
  43. %td.right.strong= @total_votes
  44. %td
  45. %h2 Sutton Council Results by Ward
  46. %p Click on the ward names to see the full results for that ward.
  47. %table.wardmap
  48. %tr
  49. %td.blank
  50. %td.blank
  51. %td.ld3
  52. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/st-helier' } St Helier
  53. %td.ld3
  54. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/wandle-valley' } Wandle Valley
  55. %td.blank
  56. %td.blank
  57. %tr
  58. %td.ld2
  59. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/worcester-park' } Worcester Park
  60. %td.ld3
  61. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/stonecot' } Stonecot
  62. %td.ld3
  63. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/sutton-north' } Sutton North
  64. %td.ld3
  65. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/the-wrythe' } The Wrythe
  66. %td.blank
  67. %td.blank
  68. %tr
  69. %td.ld2
  70. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/nonsuch' } Nonsuch
  71. %td.ld3
  72. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/sutton-west' } Sutton West
  73. %td.ld3
  74. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/sutton-central' } Sutton Central
  75. %td.ld3
  76. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/carshalton-central' } Carshalton Central
  77. %td.ld3
  78. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/wallington-north' } Wallington North
  79. %td.ld3
  80. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/beddington-north' } Beddington North
  81. %tr
  82. %td.blank
  83. %td.ld1
  84. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/cheam' } Cheam
  85. %td.ld2
  86. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/sutton-south' } Sutton South
  87. %td.ld1
  88. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/carshalton-south-and-clockhouse' } Carshalton South & Clockhouse
  89. %td.ld3
  90. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/wallington-south' } Wallington South
  91. %td.ld2
  92. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/beddington-south' } Beddington South
  93. %tr
  94. %td.blank
  95. %td.blank
  96. %td.con3
  97. %a{ :href => 'results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/belmont' } Belmont
  98. %td.blank
  99. %td.blank
  100. %td.blank
  101. %p
  102. %img{ :src => 'sutton-council-elections-2010-ward-map.png', :width => 740, :height => 797 }
  103. %p
  104. Geographical results by ward map by Marshall Keene and Claire Rollo at
  105. %a{ :href => 'http://www.sutton.gov.uk/' } Sutton Council
  106. GIS Team.
  107. -#
  108. - for ward in @wards
  109. %p
  110. %a{ :href=> "/results/sutton-council/2010-05-06/#{ward.slug}" }
  111. = ward.name
  112. -#
  113. %h1
  114. Vote for your MP and
  115. %br
  116. councillors in Sutton
  117. %p
  118. On 6 May 2010 you can vote to
  119. %strong choose your local MP
  120. and help to decide the next government of the country.
  121. %p
  122. You can also
  123. %strong elect your local councillors
  124. and help to decide who runs Sutton Council.
  125. %p Who you can vote for depends on where you live. You can find your local candidates and get more information on how the elections work here.
  126. %form{ :method => 'get', :action => '/' }
  127. %label{ :for => "postcode" } My postcode is
  128. %input{ :type => 'text', :name => 'postcode', :value => 'SM1 1EA', :size => 8, :maxlength => 8 }
  129. %input{ :type => 'submit', :value => "Find it" }