@@ -2,170 +2,173 @@ require 'mechanize' |
require 'pp' |
require 'pp' |
module UKPlanningScraper |
module UKPlanningScraper |
def self.scrape_idox(search_url, params, options) |
puts "Using Idox scraper." |
base_url = search_url.match(/(https?:\/\/.+?)\//)[1] |
apps = [] |
agent = Mechanize.new |
puts "Getting: #{search_url}" |
page = agent.get(search_url) # load the search form page |
# Check that the search form is actually present. |
# When Idox has an internal error it returns an error page with HTTP 200. |
unless form = page.form('searchCriteriaForm') |
puts "Error: Search form page failed to load due to Idox internal error." |
return [] |
end |
# form.action = form.action + '&searchCriteria.resultsPerPage=100' |
# Fill out and submit search form |
# Some councils don't have the received from/to dates on their form, eg Newham |
form.send(:"date(applicationReceivedStart)", params[:received_from].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:received_from] |
form.send(:"date(applicationReceivedEnd)", params[:received_to].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:received_to] |
form.send(:"date(applicationValidatedStart)", params[:validated_from].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:validated_from] |
form.send(:"date(applicationValidatedEnd)", params[:validated_to].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:validated_to] |
form.send(:"date(applicationDecisionStart)", params[:decided_from].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:decided_from] |
form.send(:"date(applicationDecisionEnd)", params[:decided_to].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:decided_to] |
form.send(:"searchCriteria\.description", params[:keywords]) |
# Some councils don't have the applicant name on their form, eg Bexley |
form.send(:"searchCriteria\.applicantName", params[:applicant_name]) if form.has_field? 'searchCriteria.applicantName' |
form.send(:"searchCriteria\.caseType", params[:application_type]) if form.has_field? 'searchCriteria.caseType' |
# Some Idox sites (eg Bolton) call this 'searchCriteria.developmentType' |
form.send(:"searchCriteria\.developmentType", params[:application_type]) if form.has_field? 'searchCriteria.developmentType' |
page = form.submit |
loop do |
# Parse search results |
items = page.search('li.searchresult') |
puts "Found #{items.size} apps on this page." |
items.each do |app| |
data = {} |
# Parse info line |
info_line = app.at("p.metaInfo").inner_text.strip |
bits = info_line.split('|').map { |e| e.strip.delete("\r\n") } |
bits.each do |bit| |
if matches = bit.match(/Ref\. No:\s+(.+)/) |
data[:council_reference] = matches[1] |
end |
if matches = bit.match(/(Received|Registered):\s+(.+)/) |
data[:date_received] = Date.parse(matches[2]) |
end |
if matches = bit.match(/Validated:\s+(.+)/) |
data[:date_validated] = Date.parse(matches[1]) |
end |
class Authority |
private |
def scrape_idox(params, options) |
puts "Using Idox scraper." |
base_url = @url.match(/(https?:\/\/.+?)\//)[1] |
apps = [] |
if matches = bit.match(/Status:\s+(.+)/) |
data[:status] = matches[1] |
end |
end |
agent = Mechanize.new |
puts "Getting: #{@url}" |
page = agent.get(@url) # load the search form page |
data.merge!({ |
scraped_at: Time.now, |
info_url: base_url + app.at('a')['href'], |
address: app.at('p.address').inner_text.strip, |
description: app.at('a').inner_text.strip, |
}) |
apps << data |
# Check that the search form is actually present. |
# When Idox has an internal error it returns an error page with HTTP 200. |
unless form = page.form('searchCriteriaForm') |
puts "Error: Search form page failed to load due to Idox internal error." |
return [] |
end |
end |
# form.action = form.action + '&searchCriteria.resultsPerPage=100' |
# Get the Next button from the pager, if there is one |
if next_button = page.at('a.next') |
next_url = base_url + next_button[:href]# + '&searchCriteria.resultsPerPage=100' |
sleep options[:delay] |
puts "Getting: #{next_url}" |
page = agent.get(next_url) |
else |
break |
end |
end |
# Scrape the summary tab for each app |
apps.each_with_index do |app, i| |
sleep options[:delay] |
puts "#{i + 1} of #{apps.size}: #{app[:info_url]}" |
res = agent.get(app[:info_url]) |
# Fill out and submit search form |
# Some councils don't have the received from/to dates on their form, eg Newham |
form.send(:"date(applicationReceivedStart)", params[:received_from].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:received_from] |
form.send(:"date(applicationReceivedEnd)", params[:received_to].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:received_to] |
form.send(:"date(applicationValidatedStart)", params[:validated_from].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:validated_from] |
form.send(:"date(applicationValidatedEnd)", params[:validated_to].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:validated_to] |
form.send(:"date(applicationDecisionStart)", params[:decided_from].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:decided_from] |
form.send(:"date(applicationDecisionEnd)", params[:decided_to].strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) if params[:decided_to] |
form.send(:"searchCriteria\.description", params[:keywords]) |
if res.code == '200' # That's a String not an Integer, ffs |
# Parse the summary tab for this app |
# Some councils don't have the applicant name on their form, eg Bexley |
form.send(:"searchCriteria\.applicantName", params[:applicant_name]) if form.has_field? 'searchCriteria.applicantName' |
form.send(:"searchCriteria\.caseType", params[:application_type]) if form.has_field? 'searchCriteria.caseType' |
# Some Idox sites (eg Bolton) call this 'searchCriteria.developmentType' |
form.send(:"searchCriteria\.developmentType", params[:application_type]) if form.has_field? 'searchCriteria.developmentType' |
page = form.submit |
app[:scraped_at] = Time.now |
loop do |
# Parse search results |
items = page.search('li.searchresult') |
# The Documents tab doesn't show if there are no documents (we get li.nodocuments instead) |
# Bradford has #tab_documents but without the document count on it |
app[:documents_count] = 0 |
app[:documents_url] = nil |
puts "Found #{items.size} apps on this page." |
if documents_link = res.at('.associateddocument a') |
if documents_link.inner_text.match(/\d+/) |
app[:documents_count] = documents_link.inner_text.match(/\d+/)[0].to_i |
app[:documents_url] = base_url + documents_link[:href] |
end |
elsif documents_link = res.at('#tab_documents') |
if documents_link.inner_text.match(/\d+/) |
app[:documents_count] = documents_link.inner_text.match(/\d+/)[0].to_i |
app[:documents_url] = base_url + documents_link[:href] |
items.each do |app| |
data = {} |
# Parse info line |
info_line = app.at("p.metaInfo").inner_text.strip |
bits = info_line.split('|').map { |e| e.strip.delete("\r\n") } |
bits.each do |bit| |
if matches = bit.match(/Ref\. No:\s+(.+)/) |
data[:council_reference] = matches[1] |
end |
if matches = bit.match(/(Received|Registered):\s+(.+)/) |
data[:date_received] = Date.parse(matches[2]) |
end |
if matches = bit.match(/Validated:\s+(.+)/) |
data[:date_validated] = Date.parse(matches[1]) |
end |
if matches = bit.match(/Status:\s+(.+)/) |
data[:status] = matches[1] |
end |
end |
end |
data.merge!({ |
scraped_at: Time.now, |
info_url: base_url + app.at('a')['href'], |
address: app.at('p.address').inner_text.strip, |
description: app.at('a').inner_text.strip, |
}) |
apps << data |
end |
end |
# We need to find values in the table by using the th labels. |
# The row indexes/positions change from site to site (or even app to app) so we can't rely on that. |
res.search('#simpleDetailsTable tr').each do |row| |
key = row.at('th').inner_text.strip |
value = row.at('td').inner_text.strip |
# Get the Next button from the pager, if there is one |
if next_button = page.at('a.next') |
next_url = base_url + next_button[:href]# + '&searchCriteria.resultsPerPage=100' |
sleep options[:delay] |
puts "Getting: #{next_url}" |
page = agent.get(next_url) |
else |
break |
end |
end |
# Scrape the summary tab for each app |
apps.each_with_index do |app, i| |
sleep options[:delay] |
puts "#{i + 1} of #{apps.size}: #{app[:info_url]}" |
res = agent.get(app[:info_url]) |
if res.code == '200' # That's a String not an Integer, ffs |
# Parse the summary tab for this app |
app[:scraped_at] = Time.now |
# The Documents tab doesn't show if there are no documents (we get li.nodocuments instead) |
# Bradford has #tab_documents but without the document count on it |
app[:documents_count] = 0 |
app[:documents_url] = nil |
if documents_link = res.at('.associateddocument a') |
if documents_link.inner_text.match(/\d+/) |
app[:documents_count] = documents_link.inner_text.match(/\d+/)[0].to_i |
app[:documents_url] = base_url + documents_link[:href] |
end |
elsif documents_link = res.at('#tab_documents') |
if documents_link.inner_text.match(/\d+/) |
app[:documents_count] = documents_link.inner_text.match(/\d+/)[0].to_i |
app[:documents_url] = base_url + documents_link[:href] |
end |
end |
case key |
when 'Reference' |
app[:council_reference] = value |
when 'Alternative Reference' |
app[:alternative_reference] = value |
when 'Planning Portal Reference' |
app[:alternative_reference] = value |
when 'Application Received' |
app[:date_received] = Date.parse(value) if value.match(/\d/) |
when 'Application Registered' |
app[:date_received] = Date.parse(value) if value.match(/\d/) |
when 'Application Validated' |
app[:date_validated] = Date.parse(value) if value.match(/\d/) |
when 'Address' |
app[:address] = value |
when 'Proposal' |
app[:description] = value |
when 'Status' |
app[:status] = value |
when 'Decision' |
app[:decision] = value |
when 'Decision Issued Date' |
app[:date_decision] = Date.parse(value) if value.match(/\d/) |
when 'Appeal Status' |
app[:appeal_status] = value |
when 'Appeal Decision' |
app[:appeal_decision] = value |
else |
puts "Error: key '#{key}' not found" |
end # case |
end # each row |
else |
puts "Error: HTTP #{res.code}" |
end # if |
end # scrape summary tab for apps |
apps |
end # scrape_idox |
# We need to find values in the table by using the th labels. |
# The row indexes/positions change from site to site (or even app to app) so we can't rely on that. |
res.search('#simpleDetailsTable tr').each do |row| |
key = row.at('th').inner_text.strip |
value = row.at('td').inner_text.strip |
case key |
when 'Reference' |
app[:council_reference] = value |
when 'Alternative Reference' |
app[:alternative_reference] = value |
when 'Planning Portal Reference' |
app[:alternative_reference] = value |
when 'Application Received' |
app[:date_received] = Date.parse(value) if value.match(/\d/) |
when 'Application Registered' |
app[:date_received] = Date.parse(value) if value.match(/\d/) |
when 'Application Validated' |
app[:date_validated] = Date.parse(value) if value.match(/\d/) |
when 'Address' |
app[:address] = value |
when 'Proposal' |
app[:description] = value |
when 'Status' |
app[:status] = value |
when 'Decision' |
app[:decision] = value |
when 'Decision Issued Date' |
app[:date_decision] = Date.parse(value) if value.match(/\d/) |
when 'Appeal Status' |
app[:appeal_status] = value |
when 'Appeal Decision' |
app[:appeal_decision] = value |
else |
puts "Error: key '#{key}' not found" |
end # case |
end # each row |
else |
puts "Error: HTTP #{res.code}" |
end # if |
end # scrape summary tab for apps |
apps |
end # scrape_idox |
end # class |
end |
end |