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Roland Puntaier 5 years ago
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+ 0
- 344 View File

@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
% mw(1) Version 1.0 | mutt-wizard man page

To test man page:

pandoc -s -t man | /usr/bin/man -l -

The generate:

pandoc -s -t man -o mw.1


**mw** — mutt-wizard - add, list, remove email configurations for mbsync, getmail and mutt. Sync email without mutt.


**mw** \[\<command\>\|\<email\>\]

| *mw* Same as *mw sync*
| *mw add* Add and configure an email address (9 max.)
| *mw list* List configured accounts
| *mw remove* Pick an account to remove
| *mw purge* Remove all accounts and settings
| *mw cron* Enable or disable an autosync via cronjob
| *mw sync* Sync mail based on config in *.config/isync/mbsyncrc* and *.config/getmail/\**
| *mw --help|-h* Print this message
| *mw --version|-v* Print version


**mw** configures **mbsync**, **getmail**, **msmtp** and **mutt** in one go, or just **mutt**.
Note, **mutt** stands for **mutt** or **neomutt**, but **mw** settings was only tested with **neomutt**.


Without command parameter **sync** is assumed.
If a parameter contains *@* an email is assumed and synced.


: Add new email.

- First you decide, whether you want to configure
- **mbsync**, **getmail**, **msmtp** to sync emails independently from **mutt** using **mw**,
- or just **mutt**.
For an IMAP server **mutt** becomes very slow.
Normally you enter **y**.
- It asks you the **email address**.
- It has a **database** of IMAP4/POP3 and SMTP servers and ports.
If you are lucky, your email server is there.
Else it will prompt you.


: List all email accounts configured by mutt-wizard


: Remove the configuration files for an already configured email


: Removes all mw generated mutt settings and


: toggle a cronjob that periodically syncs mail


: syncs mail for all email accounts managed by *mw* (whose paths end in the email).
This is the default, if no parameter is given.
If an email address is given, only that email is synced.

- Every **mw** sync run will re-generate the **mutt** configuration
from the configuration files for **mbsync**, **getmail** and **msmtp**.
So you could edit them after or not use *mw add* at all.

Just keep the *Path*, *path* and *account* ending in the email address.

Files are under *.config* or *$XDG_CONFIG_HOME*:

~/.config/isync/mbsync (since not mbsync's default, you would need a -c option. Use mw, instead).

- The generated **mutt** configuration has these bindings
- *ixy/Mxy/Cxy* bindings to switch/move/copy to mailbox (x and y stand for other letters)
- *i[1-9]* bindings to switch account

- */usr/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-wizard.muttrc* is linked in your *muttrc*.
Have this line there, if you prefer your own settings:

# source /usr/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-wizard.muttrc

You will need to keep the binding of *i,g,C,M* to *noop*, though,
because of the generated bindings in the account muttrc.
Else you can overwrite certain things after the uncommented sourcing line.


- *pass* - [pass]( safely encrypts passwords (**required for email setup**)
- *gnupg* - needed by *pass*
- *mutt/neomutt* - the email client (*mutt* untested).
- *isync's mbsync* - syncs the mail
- *getmail* - used for POP3
- *msmtp* - sends the email


- *w3m* - view HTML email and images in **mutt**.

- *notmuch* - index and search mail.
If the configuration file in *$NOTMUCH_CONFIG* is not there, *mw add* will create it.

- *libnotify* - allows notifications when syncing mail with *mw*

- *abook* - a terminal-based address book.

- A cron manager (e.g. *cronie*) - if you want to enable the auto-sync feature.

- *pam-gnupg* - To provide your GPG key at login and never after.
See [directions](

Alternatively increasing *default-cache-ttl* and
*max-cache-ttl* in *gpg-agent.conf* avoid constant password requests.

- *urlscan* - outputs urls in mail


git clone
cd mutt-wizard
sudo make install

User of Arch-based distros can also install mutt-wizard from the AUR as [mw-git](


Once everything is setup, you'll use **mutt** to access your mail.

Mutt usage with the accompanied */usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc*:

- *?* - see all keyboard shortcuts


- *gm / gM* - call mutt-wizard's *mw sync* for one / all mail accounts


- *ixy* - To go to **mailbox**.
- *Mxy*, *Cxy* - For *M*ove and *C*opy to the according mailbox, e.g. *Msp* means "move to Spam".
- *i#* - Press *i* followed by a number 1-9 to go to a **different account**.

*xy* are

- two first letters of mailbox letters or
- first letter of first path entry + second letter of second path entries


- *S* - search for a mail using *notmuch*
- *gl* - limit by substring of subject
- *gL* - undo limit


- *ga* - to add address/person to *abook* and *Tab* while typing address to complete one from book.
- *m/r/gr/f* - new/reply/group reply/forward **message**, using your default *$EDITOR* to write.
Then you enter the **compose screen**.
- *a* - to add attachments
- *s/t/c/b/d* - to change the subject/to/CC/BCC/description.
- *S* - to change the signature/encryption
- *y* - to send the mail.


- *dd* - delete mail
- *u* - undelete
- *$* - apply the mailbox changes
*set trash* is set per default. Deleted mails will land there.
- *s* - save selected mail or selected attachment

**moving around**

- *gu* - open a menu to select a url you want to open in you browser (needs urlscan).
- *j*/*k* - next/previous mail, *J/K* same, without skipping deleted, and also when viewing mails
- *ctrl-d/f*/*ctrl-u/b* - down and up a half page / full page
- *l* - open mail, or attachment page or attachment
- *h* - the opposite of *l*


- *B* - toggles
- *ctrl-j*/*ctrl-k* - move up and down
- *ctrl-l/o* - opens mailbox

**input field/command line**

- *ctrl-u* will clear it
- *ctrl-a*, *ctrl-e* go to beginning or end, *ctrl-g* aborts

Look into */usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc* to see all bindings.



*isync* is not fully UTF-8 compatible.
Non-Latin characters may be garbled (although sync should succeed).
*mw* will also not auto-create mailbox shortcuts since it is looking for English mailbox names.
I strongly recommend you to set your email language to English on your mail server to avoid these problems.

**Mail location**

: Mail is downloaded to a folder named after your email
in *\$MAILDIR*, which defaults to *\$HOME/Mail/*, the default for mutt.
Neither **mw remove** nor **mw purge** will delete downloaded mail.
Do that manually.

**Gmail accounts**

: Google will require you to allow \"less-secure\" (third party)
applications or use two-factor authentication in order to access
their IMAP servers to download your mail.
If you use Gmail, be sure to handle this before running mutt-wizard

**Protonmail accounts**

: Protonmail users must use the Protonmail Bridge
\<\> to access their IMAP and SMTP
servers. This too should be configured before running mutt-wizard.

**Enterprise and university accounts**

: Many universities and businesses might host their domain\'s email
via Google or another service.
This often requires a special IMAP/SMTP-specific password
that you must generate and use. Again, mutt-wizard can handle these
systems, but only once they have been set up.



: The main script to manage and sync emails.

*/user/bin/mwimage*, */user/bin/mwopen*

: Used by the mailcap file that comes with mutt-wizard.


: Default mutt settings.


: Default mailcap file.


: Email server database.


GitHub Issues: <>


*Luke Smith \<\>*

: Original author, started in 2018.

Github \<\>

Gitlab \<\>

*Roland Puntaier \<roland.puntaier\\>*

: Bugfixes, Improvements in 2019.

GitHub: \<\>

- Honors *$MAILDIR*, *$XDG_CONFIG_HOME*, *$XDG_CACHE_HOME*, if defined.
- *gm/gM* to sync mail inside *mutt*, as *o/O* has a *mutt* assignment already.
- Other more vim-like shortcut changes
- Make channel name equal to email address to avoid choosing a new name for the same thing.
- *remove|rm* instead of *delete*, *list|ls* instead of only *ls*
- *wm* integrates *mailsync*, not to overload the system namespace and because of code reuse
- *wm* generates *mutt* config on every full sync,
- to reflect changes in mailboxes in the shortcuts
- to reflect changes in *mbsync/getmail* config in *mutt* config
- *urlscan* instead of *urlview*
- Added tests and made bug fixes
- Generate man page from readme, to avoid duplicate descriptions




**neomutt**(1), **neomuttrc**(1) **mbsync**(1), **msmtp**(1),
**notmuch**(1), **abook**(1)

+ 339
- 0
README.rst View File

@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
mw(1) Version 1.0 \| mutt-wizard man page

.. To test man page:
.. pandoc README.rst -s -t man | /usr/bin/man -l -
.. The generate:
.. pandoc README.rst -s -t man -o mw.1


**mw** — mutt-wizard - add, list, remove email configurations for
mbsync, getmail and mutt. Sync email without mutt.


**mw** [<command>|<email>]

| **mw** Same as *mw sync*
| **mw add** Add and configure an email address (9 max.)
| **mw list** List configured accounts
| **mw remove** Pick an account to remove
| **mw purge** Remove all accounts and settings
| **mw cron** Enable or disable an autosync via cronjob
| **mw sync** Sync mail based on config in *.config/isync/mbsyncrc * and *.config/getmail/\**
| **mw –help\|-h** Print this message
| **mw –version\|-v** Print version


**mw** configures **mbsync**, **getmail**, **msmtp** and **mutt** in one
go, or just **mutt**. Note, **mutt** stands for **mutt** or **neomutt**,
but **mw** settings was only tested with **neomutt**.


Without command parameter **sync** is assumed. If a parameter contains @
an email is assumed and synced.


Add new email.

- First you decide, whether you want to configure
- **mbsync**, **getmail**, **msmtp** to sync emails independently from **mutt** using **mw**,
- or just **mutt**.
For an IMAP server **mutt** becomes very slow.
Normally you enter **y**.
- It asks you the **email address**.
- It has a **database** of IMAP4/POP3 and SMTP servers and ports.
If you are lucky, your email server is there.
Else it will prompt you.


List all email accounts configured by mutt-wizard


Remove the configuration files for an already configured email


Removes all mw generated mutt settings and

| *.config/mutt/accounts/1-\**
| *.config/isync/mbsyncrc*
| *.config/getmail/\**
| *.config/msmtp/config*

Files are under *.config* or *$XDG_CONFIG_HOME*.


toggle a cronjob that periodically syncs mail


syncs mail for all email accounts managed by *mw* (whose paths end in the email).
This is the default, if no parameter is given.
If an email address is given, only that email is synced.

- Every **mw** sync run will re-generate the **mutt** configuration
from the configuration files for **mbsync**, **getmail** and **msmtp**.
So you could edit them after or not use *mw add* at all.

Just keep the *Path*, *path* and *account* ending in the email address.

- The generated **mutt** configuration has these bindings
- *ixy/Mxy/Cxy* bindings to switch/move/copy to mailbox (x and y stand for other letters)
- *i[1-9]* bindings to switch account

- */usr/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-wizard.muttrc* is linked in your *muttrc*.
Have this line there, if you prefer your own settings::

# source /usr/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-wizard.muttrc

You will need to keep the binding of *i,g,C,M* to *noop*, though,
because of the generated bindings in the account muttrc.
Else you can overwrite certain things after the uncommented sourcing line.


- *pass* - `pass <>`__ safely encrypts passwords (**required for email setup**)
- *gnupg* - needed by *pass*
- *mutt/neomutt* - the email client (*mutt* untested).
- *isync’s mbsync* - syncs the mail
- *getmail* - used for POP3
- *msmtp* - sends the email


- *w3m* - view HTML email and images in **mutt**.

- *notmuch* - index and search mail. If the configuration file in
*$NOTMUCH_CONFIG* is not there, *mw add* will create it.

- *libnotify* - allows notifications when syncing mail with *mw*

- *abook* - a terminal-based address book.

- A cron manager (e.g. *cronie*) - if you want to enable the auto-sync

- *pam-gnupg* - To provide your GPG key at login and never after. See
`directions <>`__.

Alternatively increasing *default-cache-ttl* and *max-cache-ttl* in
*gpg-agent.conf* avoid constant password requests.

- *urlscan* - outputs urls in mail



git clone
cd mutt-wizard
sudo make install

User of Arch-based distros can also install mutt-wizard from the AUR as
`mw-git <>`__.


Once everything is setup, you’ll use **mutt** to access your mail.

Mutt usage with the accompanied */usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc*:

- *?* - see all keyboard shortcuts


- *gm / gM* - call mutt-wizard’s *mw sync* for one / all mail accounts


- *ixy* - To go to **mailbox**.
- *Mxy*, *Cxy* - For *M*\ ove and *C*\ opy to the according mailbox,
e.g. \ *Msp* means “move to Spam”.
- *i#* - Press *i* followed by a number 1-9 to go to a **different

*xy* are

- two first letters of mailbox letters or
- first letter of first path entry + second letter of second path


- *S* - search for a mail using *notmuch*
- *gl* - limit by substring of subject
- *gL* - undo limit


- *ga* - to add address/person to *abook* and *Tab* while typing
address to complete one from book.
- *m/r/gr/f* - new/reply/group reply/forward **message**, using your
default *$EDITOR* to write. Then you enter the **compose screen**.
- *a* - to add attachments
- *s/t/c/b/d* - to change the subject/to/CC/BCC/description.
- *S* - to change the signature/encryption
- *y* - to send the mail.


- *dd* - delete mail
- *u* - undelete
- *$* - apply the mailbox changes *set trash* is set per default.
Deleted mails will land there.
- *s* - save selected mail or selected attachment

**moving around**

- *gu* - open a menu to select a url you want to open in you browser
(needs urlscan).
- *j*/*k* - next/previous mail, *J/K* same, without skipping deleted,
and also when viewing mails
- *ctrl-d/f*/*ctrl-u/b* - down and up a half page / full page
- *l* - open mail, or attachment page or attachment
- *h* - the opposite of *l*


- *B* - toggles
- *ctrl-j*/*ctrl-k* - move up and down
- *ctrl-l/o* - opens mailbox

**input field/command line**

- *ctrl-u* will clear it
- *ctrl-a*, *ctrl-e* go to beginning or end, *ctrl-g* aborts

Look into */usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc* to see all bindings.



*isync* is not fully UTF-8 compatible. Non-Latin characters may be
garbled (although sync should succeed). *mw* will also not auto-create
mailbox shortcuts since it is looking for English mailbox names. I
strongly recommend you to set your email language to English on your
mail server to avoid these problems.

**Mail location**

Mail is downloaded to a folder named after your email
in *\$MAILDIR*, which defaults to *\$HOME/Mail/*, the default for mutt.
Neither **mw remove** nor **mw purge** will delete downloaded mail.
Do that manually.

**Gmail accounts**

Google will require you to allow "less-secure" (third party)
applications or use two-factor authentication in order to access
their IMAP servers to download your mail.
If you use Gmail, be sure to handle this before running mutt-wizard

**Protonmail accounts**

Protonmail users must use the Protonmail Bridge
<> to access their IMAP and SMTP
servers. This too should be configured before running mutt-wizard.

**Enterprise and university accounts**

Many universities and businesses might host their domain\'s email
via Google or another service.
This often requires a special IMAP/SMTP-specific password
that you must generate and use. Again, mutt-wizard can handle these
systems, but only once they have been set up.


The main script to manage and sync emails.

*/user/bin/mwimage*, */user/bin/mwopen*
Used by the mailcap file that comes with mutt-wizard.

Default mutt settings.

Default mailcap file.

Email server database.


GitHub Issues: <>


*Luke Smith* <>
Original author, started in 2018.

Github <>

Gitlab <>

*Roland Puntaier* <>
Bugfixes, Improvements in 2019.

GitHub: <>

- Honors *:math:`MAILDIR*, *`\ XDG_CONFIG_HOME*, *$XDG_CACHE_HOME*,
if defined.
- *gm/gM* to sync mail inside *mutt*, as *o/O* has a *mutt*
assignment already.
- Other more vim-like shortcut changes
- Make channel name equal to email address to avoid choosing a new
name for the same thing.
- *remove|rm* instead of *delete*, *list|ls* instead of only *ls*
- *wm* integrates *mailsync*, not to overload the system namespace
and because of code reuse
- *wm* generates *mutt* config on every full sync,

- to reflect changes in mailboxes in the shortcuts
- to reflect changes in *mbsync/getmail* config in *mutt* config

- *urlscan* instead of *urlview*
- Added tests and made bug fixes
- Generate man page from readme, to avoid duplicate descriptions




**neomutt**\ (1), **neomuttrc**\ (1) **mbsync**\ (1), **msmtp**\ (1),
**notmuch**\ (1), **abook**\ (1)

+ 95
- 62
mw.1 View File

@@ -11,40 +11,40 @@ Sync email without mutt.
\f[B]mw\f[R] [<command>|<email>]
\ \ \ \f[I]mw\f[R] Same as \f[I]mw sync\f[R]
\f[B]mw\f[R] Same as \f[I]mw sync\f[R]
.PD 0
\ \ \ \f[I]mw add\f[R] Add and configure an email address (9 max.)
\f[B]mw add\f[R] Add and configure an email address (9 max.)
.PD 0
\ \ \ \f[I]mw list\f[R] List configured accounts
\f[B]mw list\f[R] List configured accounts
.PD 0
\ \ \ \f[I]mw remove\f[R] Pick an account to remove
\f[B]mw remove\f[R] Pick an account to remove
.PD 0
\ \ \ \f[I]mw purge\f[R] Remove all accounts and settings
\f[B]mw purge\f[R] Remove all accounts and settings
.PD 0
\ \ \ \f[I]mw cron\f[R] Enable or disable an autosync via cronjob
\f[B]mw cron\f[R] Enable or disable an autosync via cronjob
.PD 0
\ \ \ \f[I]mw sync\f[R] Sync mail based on config in
\f[B]mw sync\f[R] Sync mail based on config in
\f[I].config/isync/mbsyncrc\f[R] and \f[I].config/getmail/*\f[R]
.PD 0
\ \ \ \f[I]mw \[en]help|-h\f[R] Print this message
\f[B]mw \[en]help|-h\f[R] Print this message
.PD 0
\ \ \ \f[I]mw \[en]version|-v\f[R] Print version
\f[B]mw \[en]version|-v\f[R] Print version
\f[B]mw\f[R] configures \f[B]mbsync\f[R], \f[B]getmail\f[R],
@@ -54,14 +54,15 @@ Note, \f[B]mutt\f[R] stands for \f[B]mutt\f[R] or \f[B]neomutt\f[R], but
Without command parameter \f[B]sync\f[R] is assumed.
If a parameter contains *\[at]* an email is assumed and synced.
.B \f[I]add\f[R]
Add new email.
If a parameter contains \[at] an email is assumed and synced.
.IP \[bu] 2
First you decide, whether you want to configure
.RS 2
Add new email.
\[bu] .RS 2
.B First you decide, whether you want to configure
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[B]mbsync\f[R], \f[B]getmail\f[R], \f[B]msmtp\f[R] to sync emails
independently from \f[B]mutt\f[R] using \f[B]mw\f[R],
@@ -77,27 +78,54 @@ It has a \f[B]database\f[R] of IMAP4/POP3 and SMTP servers and ports.
If you are lucky, your email server is there.
Else it will prompt you.
.B \f[I]ls|list\f[R]
List all email accounts configured by mutt-wizard
.B \f[I]rm|remove\f[R]
Remove the configuration files for an already configured email
.B \f[I]purge\f[R]
Removes all mw generated mutt settings and *.config/mutt/accounts/1-***
\f[I].config/isync/mbsyncrc\f[R] *.config/getmail/**
Removes all mw generated mutt settings and
.PD 0
.PD 0
.PD 0
.B \f[I]cron\f[R]
Files are under \f[I].config\f[R] or \f[I]$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[R].
toggle a cronjob that periodically syncs mail
.B \f[I]sync\f[R]
syncs mail for all email accounts managed by \f[I]mw\f[R] (whose paths
end in the email).
This is the default, if no parameter is given.
If an email address is given, only that email is synced.
.IP \[bu] 2
Every \f[B]mw\f[R] sync run will re-generate the \f[B]mutt\f[R]
configuration from the configuration files for \f[B]mbsync\f[R],
@@ -107,17 +135,6 @@ So you could edit them after or not use \f[I]mw add\f[R] at all.
Just keep the \f[I]Path\f[R], \f[I]path\f[R] and \f[I]account\f[R]
ending in the email address.
Files are under \f[I].config\f[R] or \f[I]$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[R]:
\[ti]/.config/isync/mbsync (since not mbsync\[aq]s default, you would need a -c option. Use mw, instead).
.IP \[bu] 2
The generated \f[B]mutt\f[R] configuration has these bindings
@@ -175,8 +192,8 @@ If the configuration file in \f[I]$NOTMUCH_CONFIG\f[R] is not there,
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[I]abook\f[R] - a terminal-based address book.
.IP \[bu] 2
A cron manager (e.g.\ \f[I]cronie\f[R]) - if you want to enable the
auto-sync feature.
A cron manager (e.g.\ *cronie*) - if you want to enable the auto-sync
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[I]pam-gnupg\f[R] - To provide your GPG key at login and never after.
See directions (
@@ -223,12 +240,14 @@ the according mailbox, e.g.\ \f[I]Msp\f[R] means \[lq]move to Spam\[rq].
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[I]i#\f[R] - Press \f[I]i\f[R] followed by a number 1-9 to go to a
\f[B]different account\f[R].
.RS 2
\f[I]xy\f[R] are
.IP \[bu] 2
two first letters of mailbox letters or
.IP \[bu] 2
first letter of first path entry + second letter of second path entries
.IP \[bu] 2
@@ -299,8 +318,9 @@ page
Look into \f[I]/usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc\f[R] to see all bindings.
.B Encoding
\f[I]isync\f[R] is not fully UTF-8 compatible.
Non-Latin characters may be garbled (although sync should succeed).
@@ -308,34 +328,48 @@ Non-Latin characters may be garbled (although sync should succeed).
looking for English mailbox names.
I strongly recommend you to set your email language to English on your
mail server to avoid these problems.
.B \f[B]Mail location\f[R]
\f[B]Mail location\f[R]
Mail is downloaded to a folder named after your email in
\f[I]$MAILDIR\f[R], which defaults to \f[I]$HOME/Mail/\f[R], the default
for mutt.
Neither \f[B]mw remove\f[R] nor \f[B]mw purge\f[R] will delete
downloaded mail.
Do that manually.
.B \f[B]Gmail accounts\f[R]
\f[B]Gmail accounts\f[R]
Google will require you to allow \[dq]less-secure\[dq] (third party)
applications or use two-factor authentication in order to access their
IMAP servers to download your mail.
If you use Gmail, be sure to handle this before running mutt-wizard
.B \f[B]Protonmail accounts\f[R]
\f[B]Protonmail accounts\f[R]
Protonmail users must use the Protonmail Bridge
<> to access their IMAP and SMTP servers.
<<>> to access their IMAP and SMTP
This too should be configured before running mutt-wizard.
.B \f[B]Enterprise and university accounts\f[R]
\f[B]Enterprise and university accounts\f[R]
Many universities and businesses might host their domain\[aq]s email via
Google or another service.
This often requires a special IMAP/SMTP-specific password that you must
generate and use.
Again, mutt-wizard can handle these systems, but only once they have
been set up.
.B \f[I]/user/bin/mw\f[R]
@@ -354,26 +388,25 @@ Default mailcap file.
Email server database.
GitHub Issues: <>
GitHub Issues: <<>>
.B \f[I]Luke Smith <foo\[at]>\f[R]
.B \f[I]Luke Smith\f[R] <<>>
Original author, started in 2018.
Github <>
Github <<>>
Gitlab <>
Gitlab <<>>
.B \f[I]Roland Puntaier <roland.puntaier\[at]>\f[R]
.B \f[I]Roland Puntaier\f[R] <<>>
Bugfixes, Improvements in 2019.
GitHub: <>
GitHub: <<>>
.IP \[bu] 2
Honors \f[I]:math:\[ga]MAILDIR\f[R], \f[I]\[ga]XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[R],
\f[I]$XDG_CACHE_HOME\f[R], if defined.
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[I]gm/gM\f[R] to sync mail inside \f[I]mutt\f[R], as \f[I]o/O\f[R] has
